Mt Airy Greening Network - MAGNet
Green Business Directory

Local greenies are always looking for greener businesses and service
providers, and hoping to find them close at hand. Here are some of our
favorite Northwest Philadelphia businesses offering products or services
that help us live in harmony with the Earth, plus a few local non-profits
promoting ecological awareness and healing for the damaged ecosystems where
we spend most of our lives.

Business Services
Consumer Products and Food
Housing and Home Maintenance
Recycling organizations
Repair Shops
Thrift Stores


Tesserae Studio Gallery
6780 Germantown Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19119
(215) 848-2110
Tesserae, a mosaic studio, lets you recycle your broken pottery into beautiful craft and gift items. Tesserae offers mosaic classes, mosaic parties, and offers a rotating collection of local artwork and crafts. The owner, Jessica Gorlin-Liddell, also does custom mosaic artwork and mosaic restoration.


Gilmore's Book Shop
43 E. Chestnut Hill Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19118
(215) 248-1763 / Fax: (215) 248-3520

Walk-A-Crooked-Mile Books
Mt. Airy Train Station
7423 Devon St / Philadelphia, PA 19119
(215) 242-0854 /
A converted train station and coffee shop, filled to the brim with used books, also the home to occasional music evenings.

Business Services

Paper Crane Press
610-358-9496 /
Matt Horwitz
801 Concord Road / Glenn Mills, PA 19342
This company prints on up to 100% post consumer waste paper for things like business cards, envelopes and stationary. Paper Crane Press is responsive to their customers. Though this isn't in the Northwest, we couldn't help including them here!

Consumer Products and Food

Chilly Philly Ice Cream / 215-510-1750
7035 Greene Street / Philadelphia, PA 19119-3440
Chilly Philly is an all natural, locally manufactured Philadelphia style ice cream which is available to restaurants and groceries in the Delaware Valley.

Green Clean Dry Cleaners
2848 Moreland Road / Willow Grove
215 658 1541 or 215 658 1542
A local dry cleaner that uses the GreenEarth system - supposed to be a non-toxic process, healthier for workers and the environment, and which leaves no chemical odor on your clothing.

InFusion - A Coffee and Tea Gallery
7133 Germantown Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19119
215 248 1718 / /
Serving organic and fairly traded coffees, teas & speacialty drinks and featuring local award-winning baked goods.

PhillyCarShare / (215) 386-0988
315 South 46th Street / Philadelphia, PA 19143
PhillyCarShare is a Philadelphia-based non-profit organization dedicated to reducing automobile dependency in the Philadelphia region through community-based car sharing. Members sign up to use the hybrid gas-electric vehicles on an hourly or daily basis, avoiding the costs and responsibilities of regular car ownership.

Plaza Cleaners
1662 Bethlehem Pike / Flourtown
Cleaner that uses both "wet" and "dry" cleaning processes, supposed to be more biodegradable and non-toxic.

Sun & Earth
610-239-9677 ext. 12
125 Noble Street / Norristown PA 19401
Sun and Earth makes natural, safe, hypoallergenic but effective household cleaning products sold in Supermarkets, Natural Food Stores and through our website. Products include: Laundry Detergent, Dish Liquid, All Purpose Cleaner, Glass Cleaner, Fabric Softener and Liquid Hand Soap.

Weavers Way Food Cooperative
559 Carpenter Lane, Phila PA 19119
215 843 2350 / /
Weavers Way is a member-owned retail co-op that is actively involved in health and environmental matters as well as other social issues. More than just a source of reasonably priced fresh and organic foods and other unique products. Weavers Way is an integral part of the community. Membership in the Co-op is open to everyone. In addition to providing food and catering services, Weavers Way has pioneered an organic lunch program with local schools. It also sells a full line of green cleaning agents, recycled paper products, and clothing.


Wissahickon Cyclery
7837 Germantown Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19118
(215) 248-2829 / Fax: (215) 248-4642 /

Metropolis Bicycles
4159 Main St / Philadelphia, PA 19127-2115
(215) 508-5000

Bike Addicts
5548 Ridge Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 487-3006

Son's Bicycle Shop
6153 Ridge Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19128-2627
(215) 487-1850

Housing and Home Maintenance

David Gilfillan, Restoration
215 848-7562
Over 20 years of experience in restoring old homes. Reuses and recycles much of the construction materials.

Cunningham Piano Company
(215) 438-3200 or (800) 394-1117 / Fax: (215) 438-1197
5427 Germantown Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19144
Philadelphia's premier piano restoration company.

Holod's True Value Hardware
700 Ridge Pike / Lafayette Hill PA 19444
Tool rentals of all kinds

Ivy Hill Furniture
717 Ivy Hill Rd / Philadelphia, PA 19150
(215) 836-7676 / Fax: (215) 836-7161
Huge warehouse of antique, restored, and discounted new furniture and Persian rugs, right at the border of Mount Airy and the 'burbs.

Andrew Liddell
610 246 3892 /
401 Leverington Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19128
Eco-friendly painter specializing in the use of non-toxic, low odor, zero volatile organic compounds paints.

Lindy Property Management
Lindy Property Management, with 3,000 residential units in NW Philadelphia and suburbs, provides quality housing at affordable prices. Lindy communities are housed in lead-paint-free buildings where they replace old windows with energy-efficient windows and recycle tenants' waste.

MAB Paints
23 E. Chelten Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19144
MAB is a local paint manufacturer (Broomall) and their paints are very good quality.

NaturaLawn Care
(866) 248-1800
152 Keystone Drive / Montgomeryville, PA 18936

Northwest Home Repair
Jaimie Graves / 215-242-2619
12 West Willow Grove Ave / PMB 181 / Philadelphia, PA 19118
Jaimie and his crew do carpentry, painting, light plumbing and electrical. Willing to seek out more eco-friendly supplies upon request.

Old City - Benjamin Moore Paints
8002 Germantown Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19118
Most paint companies these days have some form of low or no VOC paints. This company also takes back unused paints and varnishes that they donate once a month -- you just have to bring them around the time of the month that they'll be giving them away.

Re:Vision Architecture
Jennifer Rezeli or Scott Kelly /
116 E Moreland Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19118
Thinking globally but acting locally, Re:Vision Architecture was founded to re-vision and restore the balance between natural and built environments. RVA specializes in environmentally responsible architecture and planning, fundraising for green buildings and sustainability.

Roxy Rentals
420 Seville St / Philadelphia, PA 19128
Family owned business in Roxborough - rents all kinds of tools and equipment for home maintenance and repair. They offer 24 hour service and very reasonable prices.

Sun Haven Solar
Hap Haven / 267-408-3340
Solar and Home Performance Testing
5430 Laurens Street / Philadelphia, PA 19144
Hap Haven inspects homes for energy and heat loss, moisture problems, insulation requirements and solar energy potential. He will connect you up with good contractors and supervise the construction necessary to solve these problems.

Springer's Hardwood Floors
Don Springer / 267-784-4042 C / 215 725 5772
Floor installation and refinishing. Uses a water-based polyurethane which dries faster and minimizes fumes.

TR Insulation
Tom Reilly / 267 228 7912 C / 215 646-4433 O
217 Summit Avenue / Fort Washington, PA 19034
Family owned business specializing in insulation, including cellulose (recycled newspaper treated with fire-retardants) and other insulation materials for new construction or to retrofit your older home.

Recycling organizations

3R Consulting
Corri Beth Gottesman
3R Consulting helps commercial, educational and government facilities set up and maintain cost-effective, successful recycling programs. We also help with reuse and reduce programs.

Greater Philadelphia Commercial Recycling Council /
215-247-3090 / 215-432-8225 (mobile)
P.O. Box 4037 / Philadelphia, PA 19118
This non-profit organization provides waste audits, planning and research services. They also operate a clearinghouse and are actively seeking membership businesses and institutions of all sizes to lead Philadelphia in environmental programming through the 21st century.

Repair Shops

McCann Jewelers - Watch and Clock Repairs
125 S. Easton Rd / Glenside, PA 19038-4508
(215) 885-1180
40 years of experience keeping timepieces ticking

Regent Radio
5900 Greene St / Philadelphia, PA 19144
(215) 843-6300
Repairing radios, electronics, Playstations, and all manner of stuff for the last 50 years.


Wissahickon Charter School
4700 Wissahickon Avenue / Philadelphia, PA 19144
(267) 338-1020 /
Wissahickon Charter School is an elementary charter school serving Northwest Philadephia and grades k - 8. Their mission is to provide a community of learning with an environmental focus that stimulates the child's intellectual, social, and character development. Located across the street from Fern Hill Park, students experience the curriculum actively in a meaningful context. The rigorous curriculum encourages students to be both stewards of their community and their environment.

Thrift Stores

Bargain Thrift Center
5261 Germantown Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19140
930-545 M-Sat
215 849 3225

Chestnut Hill Hospital Bargain Shop
8624 Germantown Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19118-2841
(215) 248-1835

The Salvation Army
4555 Pechin St / Philadelphia, PA 19128-3327
A great store, where you get to try on your treasures-to-be!
(215) 483-3340

Whosoever Gospel Mission
101 E. Chelten Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19144
(215) 438-3094 x11 / Fax: (215) 438-4327

Village Thrift Store
40 E Chelten Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19144

Worn Yesterday
4235 Main St / Philadelphia, PA
(215) 482-3316
Specializing in children's and maternity consignment clothing


page last updated: March 23, 2005. Please send additions or corrections to Nancy.